Huan LU

Huan LU is a PhD student at the Division of Landscape Architecture at the University of Hong Kong. Her current research interests include exploring the impact of urban environments on public health, human behaviors and urban crimes with the application of remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS) and geospatial big data techniques.

Research interest: Urban Geography; Landscape Ecology; Urban Environment and Human Health; Remote Sensing and GIS

Deputy Lab Manager

B.S. ZJU; M.S. ZJU; Doctorial Student  in LA HKU


Reconstruction of landscape pattern based on CORONA KH-4B image: a case study in Xixi wetland, Hangzhou


The Spatial Layout and Main Buildings of Zhejiang University's Daxue Road Site Around 1949


Research & Scholarship


Lu, H., Liu, L., Zhong, H., & Jiang, B.* (2024). A dose of nature to reduce sexual crimes in public outdoor spaces: Proposing the Landscape-Sexual Crime Model. Landscape and Urban Planning, 250, 105143.

Lu, H., Wang, R., Fan, J. (2022). Spatiotemporal changes of construction land expansion in Hangzhou during the past hundred year. Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition). 49(1):96-104,111. (in Chinese)

Lu, H., Fan, J. (2021). The Spatial Layout and Main Buildings of Zhejiang University’s Daxue Road Site Around 1949. Journal of Zhejiang University (Humanities and Social Sciences). 51(3):116. (in Chinese)

Fan, J, Lu, HLu, H., Liu, L., Zhong, H., & Jiang, B. (2024). A dose of nature to reduce sexual crimes in public outdoor spaces: Proposing the Landscape-Sexual Crime Model. Landscape and Urban Planning, 250,105143.-57. (in Chinese)

Xu, Y., Lu, H., Rao, C. (2019). Mineralogical behavior of lithium and its implications from the Xiekusite pegmatite, altay, Xinjiang. Geological Journal of China University. 25(3):321-332. (in Chinese)

Xu, Y., Liu, B., Lu, H., Li, R., Chen, N. (2018). Reconstruction of landscape pattern based on CORONA KH-4B image: a case study in Xixi wetland, Hangzhou. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 52(11):2233-2242. (in Chinese)


Lu, H. Urban spatial pattern and land use changes in Hangzhou (1914-2018). 2020 Annual Conference of Human Geography of China, Hangzhou, China, Oct 2020. (oral presentation)

Edited Book

Hangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau (eds) (2019). Mapping Changes of Administration Divisions in Hangzhou. Hunan Map Publishing House. (in Chinese)

Research Project

Research funding of School of Earth Science, Zhejiang University. Mapping Environmental Change and Civilization Evolution in the Historical Period of Zhejiang Province with Historical GIS. (Research assistant) (2019-2022) 

Research Funding of Civil Affairs Policy Theory, Zhejiang Civil Affairs Bureau. Establishment Criteria and Governance of Towns and Sub-districts in Zhejiang Province. (Research assistant) (2018-2019) 

Research Funding of University History Research, Zhejiang University. Research on the Establishment, Evolution, Achievements and Influences of Geo-Sciences Disciplines at National Zhejiang University. (Research assistant) (2018-2019)

National College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program. Mineralogical Behavior of Lithium in the Granitic Magma-Hydrothermal Process and Its Enlightenment Conference. (Co-investigator) (2017-2018)


Third-Class Scholarship, Zhejiang University, 2018

Outstanding Student Leader, Zhejiang University, 2018

Outstanding Youth League Member, Zhejiang University, 2017

Outstanding Volunteer, G20 Hangzhou Summit, 2016